Matthew Choptuik: Travel, Conferences & Meetings
II Amazonian School on Quantum Theory and Applications
May 17-21 2010, Belem BR
BIRS Geometric Analysis and General Relativity Worksohp
June 20-25 2010, Banff AB
GR 19
July 3-11 2010, Mexico City MX
(not confirmed)
CUPC 2010
Texas 25
Editorial Board Meeting,
December 3-17 2010 [approx], Heidelberg DE
Numerical Relativity (lecturing),
University of Valencia
Feb 26-March 23 2011 [approx], Valencia SP
May 12-16 2010, Toronto ON
Explorations in Gravitational Physics - Numerical Relativity
Mar 14-27, 2010,
Perimeter Scholars International
, Waterloo ON
Mar 3-10, 2010, Campos do Jordao and Sao Paulo BR
Quantitative Studies of Nonlinear Wave Phenomena,
Jan 15-30, 2010,
Erwin Schrodinger Institute
, Vienna Austria
Black Holes 7
May 9-15 2009, Banff AB
Texas 2008
(XXIV Texas Symposisum on Relativistic Astrophysics),
Dec 8-12 2008, Vancouver CA
Geometry, Analysis and General Relativity
Nov 13-21, 2008,
Institut Mittag-Leffler
, Djursholm, SE
GRG Editorial Board Meeting,
Nov 10-13, 2008, Heidelberg DE
CUPC 2008
Oct 16-20, 2008
Toronto, CA
Black Holes: A Landscape of Theoretical Physics Problems
Sep 22-Oct 5 2008, CERN, Geneva CH
AMSI Workshop on Mathematical General Relativity
July 7-9 2008,
Melbourne AU
DPG Meeting,
April 2008,
Freiburg DE
CIAR Cosmology and Gravity Annual Meeting
May 9-13 2007, Whistler BC
VII Mexican Gravity School
, Nov 26-Dec 2 2006, Playa del Carmen, MX
Unruh-Wald Fest
Aug 17-20 2006, Vancouver BC
New Frontiers in Numerical Relativity
July 15-23 2006,
FLAMR II Workshop
May 19-30 2006
CITA U Toronto, Toronto, ON
Spring School in Numerical Gravitation and Astrophysics
Mar XX-XX 2006, Seoul & Daejon KR
CIAR Cosmology & Gravity Annual Program Meeting
Feb 16-19 2006, Banff AB
Mathematical Relativity,
Jan 9-13 2006
Oberwolfach DE
New Directions in Numerical Relativity
, INI Satellite Wkshp,
Aug 18-19 2005, Soton UK
Global Problems in Mathematical Relativity
, Isaac Newton Inst for Math Sci,
Aug 8-21 2005, Cambridge UK
2005 CAP Congress
June 5-8 2005, UBC/TRIUMF, Vancouver BC
May 19-21 2005, UBC, Vancouver BC
Black Holes V
May 14-18 2005, Banff AB
BIRS Dark Side of Extra Dimensions Workshop
May 12-14 2005, Banff AB
Grand Challenge Problems in Computational Astrophysics
, Workshop III:
Relativistic Astrophysics May 2-6 2005
UCLA, Los Angeles CA
, The Power of HPC,
April 26-27, SFU Harbour Center, Vancouver BC
BIRS Numerical Relativity Workshop
April 16-21 2005, Banff AB
Numerical Approaches to General Relativity Kick-Off Workshop,
Sources and Detection of Gravitational Waves
March 10-11, 2005, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
CIAR Cosmology and Gravity Annual Meeting
March 3-7, 2005, Mt Tremblant, QC
CITA/CIAR Focus Group on Canadian HPC Astrophysics
January 11, 2005, CITA/U Toronto, ON
July 18-23 2004, Dublin, Ireland
July 3 2004, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
CIAR Cosmology and Gravity Annual Meeting
March 4-7 2004, Banff, AB
Conference on Geometric Analysis, Nonlinear Wave Equations and General Relativity
January 4-10 2004,
University of Miami
, Coral Gables FL
Workshop on the Cauchy Problem for the Einstein Equations
September 24-28 2003,
Universite de Montreal
, Montreal QC
Gravitational Interaction of Compact Objects
May 10-July 15 2003,
, (
local use
CIAR Cosmology and Gravity Annual Meeting
March 14-18 2003, Mt. Tremblant, QC
IAM Numerical Relativity Workshop
June 23-29 2002, Minneapolis MN
CIAR Cosmology and Gravity Program Meeeting
June 11-14 2002, Quadra Island BC
CIAR 20th Celebration/All-program Meeting
June 14-18 2002, Victoria BC
APS April Meeting 2002
April 20-23 2002, Albuquerque NM
Stephen Hawking 60th Birthday Celebration: The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology
Jan 7-11 2002, Cambridge UK
Workshop on Modelling and Scientific Computation
Sep 29-30 2001, Fredericton NB1
CIAR Gravity & Cosmology Program, Annual Meeting
Feb 17-20 2001, Banff AB
Kingston 2000: The CITA Reunion Meeting
August 26-August 30 2000, Toronto ON
APS April Meeting 2000
April 29-May 2 2000, Long Beach CA
CIAR Gravity & Cosmology Program, Annual Meeting
Feb 19-22 2000, Banff AB
ITP Miniprogram on Colliding Black Holes
January 10-28 2000,
Midwestern Geometry Conference
November 5-7 1999, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia MO
Taller de Verano 1999 de FENOMEC: Numerical Analysis with applications in Theoretical Physics
August 3-August 12 1999, Mexico City, Mexico
Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS99), Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
June 28-July 2 1999, Kyoto, Japan
Classical and Quantum Physics of Strong Gravitational Fields:
January 19-June 28 1999,
APS Centennial Meeting
June 6-June 9 1999, Atlanta GA
1998 Joint APS/AAPT Meeting
April 18-April 21 1998, Columbus OH
Workshop on Singularities in Nonlinear Physics, Mathematics and Engineering
January 4-January 6 1998, Santa Fe, NM
GR 15
December 16-December 21 1997, Pune India
1997 Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
June 8-June 11 1997, Calgary AB
7th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
June 5-June 7 1997, Calgary AB
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