parameters for hlc_graxi ######################################################################## # # # id Standard Initial Data File # # # # To construct otherwise identical ID files, run # # "mi id" which will create files idd0, idd1, etc # # which then differ only by the resolution. # # # ######################################################################## iter := 16000 output := 0-*/20 # # Matter Parameters # amp1 := 0.45 r01 := 0.0 delta1 := 3.0 # +1 --- in-going # 0 --- time-symmetric # -1 --- out-going signum1 := 20 rho_center1 := 0 z_center1 := 20.0 cyl1 := 1 ic_v1 := -0.05 #FP -- second piece of initial profile amp1_b := 0.45 r01_b := 0.0 delta1_b := 3.0 # +1 --- in-going # 0 --- time-symmetric # -1 --- out-going signum1_b := 20 rho_center1_b := 0 z_center1_b := -20.0 cyl1_b := 1 ic_v1_b := 0.05 # # Geometry Parameters # # sigma ampsi := 0.00000 r0si := 8.0 deltasi := 2.0 signumsi := 0 rho_centersi := 0.0 z_centersi := 0.0 cylsi := 1 # omega ampo := 0.00000 r0o := 7.0 deltao := 3.0 signumo := 0 rho_centero := 0.0 z_centero := 0.0 cylo := 1 f_a1 := 1.0 f_a2 := 1.0 f_m1 := 1 f_m2 := 1 f_v1 := 0.0 f_v2 := 0.0 f_z01 := 21 f_z02 := -21 # # Tracing level: # # > 0 ---- Canonical CN loop output # > 1 ---- Canonical MG tracing # > 2 ---- Output relativized errors in CN loop # > 3 ---- parameter dumping # > 4 ---- level output in MG # trace_level := 1 # # General Parameters # MAXITER := 50 maxstep := 250 Nrho0 := 256 Nz0 := 512 rhomin := 0 rhomax := 80 zmin := -80 zmax := 80 ser := 0 fout := 1 epsiter := 1.0e-4 ic_epsiter := 1.0e-8 tag := "bf_" lambda := .30 epsdis := 0.5 # # Specify form of Initial Data: # IDATA: # 0 ---- general Gaussians with parameters set below # 1 ---- specified ansatz, and computed source terms # 2 ---- load in scalar field profiles # IDATA := 0 # # Restrict model to Flat Space? # (if one, then metric restricted to flat metric) # flat_space := 0 # # force_cont_off == 1 do *not* use continuation methods in ID # != 1 do use them # force_cont_off := 0 # # Output initial time sdf's? (if non-zero) # output_init := 0 # # Solve by relaxation ? (if equal to one) # nsweeps -- max number of relaxation sweeps # nout -- sweep interval for output (according to trace_level) # solve_by_relax := 0 nsweeps := 50000 nout := 1000 # # Multigrid parameters # nvcycle := 1 preswp := 3 pstswp := 3 # # Excision parameters # do_excise := 1 exp_out_thresh := -0.0 ex_buffer := 30 ex_method := 32 ex_method_am := 32 ex_mg_buffer := 3 ex_test := 0 ex_in_buffer := 2.0 ex_start_t := 15.0 repop_extrap := 2 ex_fs_psi := 1 ex_fs_phi := 1 ex_fs_bar := 0 can_reduce_ex_zone := 1 ex_alpha_dbc := 0.2 ex_ri_psi := 1 ex_bz_dt := 40 ex_brho_dt := 0 ex_bz_max_s := 1.5 ex_brho_max_s := 1 ex_bz_s_am := 0.5 ex_brho_s_am := 0.5 ex_mf_all := 1 ex_ri_iters_pcs := 2 ex_ri_csteps := 10 ex_ri_byrelax := 0 sph_omegabar := 0 extrapolate := 0 dbc_alpha := 1 dbc_betarho := 1 dbc_betaz := 1 dbc_psi := 0 ic_dbc_alpha := 1 ic_dbc_betarho := 1 ic_dbc_betaz := 1 ic_dbc_psi := 0 dbc_hh := 0 dbc_on_all4 := 0 dbc_on_n_finest := 0 b_sweep_x := 1 sym_diff := 1 apph_mxstep := 10 apph_search_dt := 0.25 apph_find_z := -1 apph_find_a := 1 apph_range := 10 apph_delta_f_z := 0.5 apph_num_c := 0 # The following set of alternative constraint solver # parameters are (currently) only used in, # i.e. the initial conditions are still MG with relaxation # on coarsest. #bicg instead of MG on finest level use_bicg := 0 bicg_max_iter := 5000 bicg_eps_iter := 1.0e-5 bicg_newton_iters := 1 use_evo_for_psi := 1 compute_smallest_eig := 0